OK, it was a nice holiday, and I had a great time writing some code (and solving some coding problems).
Time to get back in the saddle, back to work on 7 Hard Problems.
The basic idea for January is to vomitout the remaining “core” chapters of 7Hard. I’ll be kicking that off this week with “Pleasure vs. Duty”, which should be fun (no pun intended).
(With each of the chapters so far, doing the vomitout has raised a bunch of good points and questions and readings for further study. I’ve been complaining about the boatloads of new work churned up, but I’m basically pleased: the process is working basically the way I had hoped.)
“Pleasure vs. Duty” is a relatively new add-on to the list of seven problems, so I’m going to be scrambling for material, even core texts. Any suggestions are welcome.
So be it.