First of all, thank God for Epicurious. Mary – one of my scarily un-crummy cook friends – told me about them while teaching me how to make a souffle. They are a searchable database for Gourmet and Bon Appetit recipes, where you can type in your ingredients-on-hand and see what they’ve got. In this case, I had too much Gruyere cheese (from the souffle) and a tub of pitted olives I’d bought on a whim the previous week at Whole Foods. I typed in “gruyere” and “olives” and, voila: the Tomato and Onion Tart.
Easy recipe, once I made the crucial simplifying assumption that I would buy rather than build the crust. (Using pre-made stuff is no shame in the tech business: it’s called “buy vs. build” and it’s even a bit more chic to buy than to do it yourself”.) Whole Food’s whole-wheat frozen pie crust was probably easier on my constitution than the Butter Pastry Dough they were going to have me prepare. I can always make a dough in Year 2.
It went well. Debbie – who had just come home off the road – liked it (and even ate a smidgen of seconds, a surer proof of approval than mere words). For the first time since New Years, no criticism and self-criticism afterwards. Life is sweet.