Is JSONiq the SQL of NoSQL?

In response to my post on “What will be the SQL of NoSQL”  William Candillon of 28msec wrote:

Our take is JSONiq, an extension of XQuery for JSON:

First I’d heard about JSONiq, and, truth be told, I didn’t know a heck of a lot about JSON except the name.  Or about XQuery for that matter.

(One drawback of crossing over to the VC side is I fall inexorably behind on tech, despite my wishes and hopes.)

So I followed the link, looked at some of the code examples, and looked at 28msec.

I’m just digging into this, so would welcome any further pointers from the community.  SQL was not just a query language, but a frontier between the data layer and the rest of the app.  How does JSONiq get to that status?

Your thoughts?